Why Should I Choose Education?

我们的教育学位课程将为您提供知识和实践技能,使您成为一名有效的小学教师, middle, or high school educator. 你可以在塑造学习者的未来和建立一个促进终身学习的包容性课堂方面发挥重要作用.

What Will I Learn Through Education?

Our curriculum will prepare you to plan, construct, and deliver compelling lessons; create inclusive and supportive learning environments; and integrate new and emerging technologies for classroom use. You’ll enjoy small class sizes, 教授们致力于帮助mg冰球突破豪华版下载为口齿伶俐的人, compassionate, and impactful educators. 在真正的教室里教学是mg冰球突破豪华版下载课程的一部分. 你将在大二和大三参加三次实习经历. By senior year, all students must participate in Student Teaching, which provides a full-time teaching opportunity for one term.

Full Course Listing

你不必离开欧共体继续攻读硕士学位. 我们的MSEd项目提供了令人兴奋的机会,通过青少年教育7-12, Literacy: Birth to 12, Inclusive Special Education, and General Education programs.

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"This program makes me look forward to every single day, and has helped me grow as a person and as a future teacher."
–Abigail Ploetz '25

What Can I Do With An Education Degree?

Our graduates become successful teachers and administrators. That's because they learn to:

  • 积极响应学生的社会、情感、文化和学术需求;
  • 设计安全、包容和文化响应的学习环境;
  • 成为内容专家,创造学习体验,让学习者参与批判性思维, creative thinking, and problem-solving;
  • 做出教学决策,使学习者能够最大限度地发展自己的能力;
  • 展示与家庭有效合作的反思从业者的品质, community members, and school professionals to ensure learner growth, development, and well-being.

对于那些拥有教育学位的人来说,有许多有益的职业选择. You’ll not only be equipped to teach at a number of grade levels, but you could also pursue careers in administration, educational consulting, student counseling, and after-school programming.

More About Careers

mg冰球突破豪华版下载是提高教育工作者准备质量协会(AAQEP)的成员。. Pursuant to §52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, mg冰球突破豪华版下载提供的教育课程被认为是连续认证的,以满足纽约州要求,所有此类课程都保持连续认证.

Sarah Vallely
Administrative Coordinator
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Teacher Education
(607) 735-1840

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